Dr. Kim Duk Whang Founder ESWS

Dr. Kim Duk Whang Founder ESWS
This years Mother Mission Dedicated to the Memory of Dr.Kim who passed away May 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Lyn's comments on Mothers Mission.

Hi i am one of the mums who went to the Mothers Mission and i would strongly urge other mums to take on this experience. This was my second time over there and I came home, once again, with a felling that i had made a difference in a litlle child's life. That feeling is one of the best to experience. Some of the children there won't ever experience a mothers love or have the opportunity to grow up in a family enviroment. The mothers mission is all about giving to the kids, be it in funds, toys or just a simple cuddle. Remember that the children are the ones that are important.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Carol's thoughts

Hi, my name is Carol Exton and I have been lucky to have been on the last four mothers missions and Karen has wrapped those four years in a few short lines. We do all the things she said..we shop and sightsee and enjoy the company of other ladies we eat some great dishes. But most of all we give ourselves.....whether it' to clean,to sell at the department store or just cuddle a toddler or feed a baby we are there. Not a hard thing to do hey....So all you out there....contact Deb, put your name down and go...your heart will be the big winner.
MM 2008 MM 2009 MM2010 MM2011